5 office design tips to increase your productivity
Whether it is at home or at the office, intelligently designed workspaces are a crucial part of productivity. By including these five office tips in your office design, you can take your company (or your homework) to a higher level.
Office Tip 1: Acoustics
It is no secret that an open office plan leads to more cooperation and cross-communication, but it can also cause distraction. Those who have to use a lot of the phone ensure that they are divided acoustically from each other and of quieter employees. Fortunately, there are stylish acoustic solutions on the market. Flexible, movable walls (such as the "quiet wall" of Vitra) in combination with permanent sound-damping ceiling and wall surfaces can create a more productive environment for everyone.

Office Tip 2: Flexibility
Make sure that your office is not only suitable for those who work there now, but also for future employees with different needs and preferences. Some people use file loading, others prefer cupboards. Some prefer a desk tour on the left, others on the right. Add a combination to your design so that the layout remains flexible and viable for as long as possible.

Office Tip 3: Ergonomics
Nothing is worse for productivity - or someone's health! - not to give the right ergonomics the attention it deserves. A poor posture can lead to fatigue of the eyes, headaches, neck and back pain. But a healthy attitude starts with a good design, so it is crucial to meet ergonomic guidelines, outlined by Osha, to prevent tension and injury. Height -adjustable seats, keyboard drawers and monitors will make a long way to maintain the health of your staff. Take a look at the homework top 10 Page, for setting up the ideal home workplace.

Office Tip 4: Lighting
Dutch workers spend 90% of their waking hours indoors. It is therefore no surprise that good lighting is not only an important part of a person's well -being, but also of performance and motivation. A combination of direct and indirect artificial light (ceiling luminaires, table and standing lamps) and of course daylight create a layered light effect. It is important to offer sufficient lighting to support every type of task and to ensure that the lighting is controllable and dimmable. Call a lighting expert to choose energy -efficient luminaires with the right, pleasant light color to improve the types of tasks that must be performed within your company.

Office Tip 5: Color + Rommel
Color and junk can both significantly influence productivity. While bright colors such as yellow and orange can stimulate in short eruptions, they can excitually tire the eyes and cause irritability. In the same way, a messy work surface can make any task overwhelming than it is and lead to a general lack of focus. An organized workplace with lots of storage space and neatly stored tools within reach is the best way to stimulate efficient work.
Do you want to receive more tips or take a look at the new home work collection of Woonliving? Take a look at the different office chairs and agencies. Or get inspired by our office inspiration Blogs to read.